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Zawody indywidualne

Fields of Athenry 10km

Data:2021-12-26 Dystans:10km 000m
Sport:Bieganie Miejsce:Athenry, Ireland

The 19th Fields of Athenry 10km takes place on St. Stephen’s Day, December 26th at 11am.
The race will be limited to a max of 150 people and run using a different start/finish and slightly different route to usual. We will also be running a virtual option for people who don’t get to run the actual physical race. Entries will be open until the start of December at €20. On registration entrants will be asked to indicate what their preference will be if they are not one of the 150 people drawn to run the race. Options are:

1) Run the virtual race and receive the traditional hat
2) Transfer your entry to 2021
3) Get a refund

The race will be run in accordance to all safety guidelines so therefore regrettably there will be no refreshments after the race. If the race has to be cancelled because of COVID restrictions (Level 3 or above) then we will run it as just a virtual race.

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Krzysiek_RunEatLive Krzysiek_RunEatLive 00:45:45
rotagem rotagem 00:49:27


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