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18 March 2012 – Limassol Marathon GSO - 5K PwC Corporate Race

Data:2012-03-18 Dystans:5km 000m
Sport:Bieganie Miejsce:Limassol, Cyprus

Limassol Marathon GSO is the official marathon of our country, accredited by the international federations of AIMS and IAAF. Our events include a Marathon, Half Marathon, Health Race, Corporate Race, Student Race and a Charity Run / Walk.

The only Corporate Team Race of any athletic event on the Island, this 5K is a giant morale booster and an enjoyable day out for employees of all companies.
It will blast off with much media and press coverage. If you have never participated in a road race before, use this as an opportunity to kick-start your fitness routine. The training process and participation will help improve your health, which is part of our mission. Olympus Events Management is on a campaign to challenge those who have never considered running in a race before to consider doing so.

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