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Zawody drużynowe

32. Vienna City Marathon

Data:2015-04-12 Dystans:42km 195m
Sport:Bieganie Miejsce:Vienna, Austria

“We are Europe.”

The Vienna City Marathon is the biggest spring gathering in Europe for runners. More than 11,000 participants come from all over Europe to Vienna. No other marathon in the first half of the year sets more Europeans in motion outside of their own country.

For many years the “Anthem to Europe” from Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony has thrilled hearts and minds at the start of the Vienna City Marathon. Every participant is welcomed with this music, composed by Beethoven in Vienna, at the “Greeting Ceremony.”

The VCM is the Marathon for central Europe. Runners from central or eastern Europe are at the heart of this event. Entries from these countries are steadily on the rise.

Participants from all European countries are on the start line. Austria with over 29,000 runners is clearly the best represented, then come Germany, Italy, Hungary, France, Poland, Switzerland, Great Britain…

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UżytkownikMiejsce (kat. open)Wynik
danoos danoos 03:40:45


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